Poppy Ingall

Poppy is an all round solicitor with skills that she uses and adapts to practice in various areas at SMW. 

Poppy qualified as a solicitor in 2016 and joined SMW in 2019. She has gained experience across a broad range of offences. 

Poppy has vast experience in all areas and represents our clients at the police station, magistrates court and crown court. She also has experience in extradition law and has assisted in some of SMW's biggest successes. 

Compassionate Client Care

Poppy is a solicitor who is always thorough and well prepared when conducting advocacy at the Magistrates Court. Her compassion and care for her clients is evident in her carefully constructed oral advocacy.  

Poppy is approachable in her manner which allows her to build trust and confidence in her working relationships with clients.  She is clear and concise when providing advice.  Poppy is able to be realistic with individuals about strengths and weaknesses in their cases, but appreciates the impact criminal proceedings have on an individual and delivers any difficult advice with empathy.

Poppy has particular experience representing clients with mental health issues and vulnerabilities.  She regularly instructs medical experts to explore her clients fitness to plead and the potential defence of insanity.  For certain vulnerable defendants she will explore issues in respect of modern slavery. 

Proficient All-Rounder

With a solid desire to always act in her clients best interests and achieve the best result possible for them Poppy has extensive experience in preparing written representations to the CPS to persuade them to reconsider their decisions to prosecute.  Poppy will consider any arguments that can be made to persuade the CPS that a case is not in the public interest, addressing their own tests.  Poppy will gather evidence to support her written submissions, including for example medical reports and character references. Her persuasive written work has led to many notable successes for her clients. 

Poppy is an all round fantastic solicitor, with experience, knowledge, and a real care for her clients. 

Notable Cases

View Poppy's cases

"We just want to thank you so much for everything you have done! I really appreciate it. My husband and I can now be a family again and be there for our child. You’ve changed both our lives for the better. He came here last night and I’ve never been so happy. Thank you for all your hard work. If you could please pass our thanks to our barrister too, you guys are really appreciated!"

Client, 2024

"Your company and you ladies have made this day possible; all the credit is due to your hard work, belief and can-do attitude for the best result. Wishing you much success going forward and hope you continue to be with the best lawyer’s firm and greatest solicitor’s that you are. "

Client, 2024

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