Offer of No Evidence for Racially Aggravated Threatening Behaviour and Assault PC

Rachel Hobba

14 October 2022

Our client was accused of racially aggravated threatening behaviour and assaulting an emergency worker, namely a police officer during a football game at Wembley Stadium.

A new security team has now taken over the stadium. Our client’s defence was that the members of the team were overzealous in their handling of him, and the police stepped in without enquiring what was happening.

We submitted detailed written representations, attacking the strength of the evidence and criticising the conduct of the officers involved. We drew attention to our client’s injuries from the altercation, and the fact he is a man of good character. We argued that in the circumstances it was not in the interests of justice to prosecute our client.

As a result of our representations, the Crown offered no evidence in relation to the offences. Our client, who stood to lose his job if convicted, was able to move on with his life with a clean record.

The defendant was represented by Rachel Hobba of this firm and Richard Davis of Drystone Chambers.

Thank you

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