David Kitson

David Kitson is a higher court advocate with over 30 years' experience, and acts as either the leading or junior advocate in the most complex and serious of cases. 

David qualified as a solicitor in 1992 and worked for a number of major London criminal defence firms before joining Sonn Macmillan Walker in 2007. David obtained crown court advocacy higher rights of audience in 2000 and has worked exclusively as an advocate in the crown court for over 20 years.   

David defends clients charged with a broad range of offences.  He acts as the leading advocate in multi defendant cases such as a conspiracy to commit armed robberies, and human trafficking conspiracy.  He regularly acts as junior trial advocate in murder trials across the country including at the Central Criminal Court.  He has acted in multi defendant and single-handed murder cases including stabbings and shootings and offences with a background of gang affiliation.  He also has experience in cases with a terrorism background.  David acts as the sole advocate in cases of attempted murder, other offences of serious violence, kidnapping, drugs supply, fraud, perverting the course of justice and firearms amongst others.   

David has also worked on many appeals in the Court of Appeal, both against conviction and sentence. 

Adaptable and Level-Headed 

Due to David’s significant experience over the years, he has acted for all manner of clients including youths and individuals with mental health or learning vulnerabilities.  He is adept at ensuring that whatever a client’s needs are they are met, both during his careful advice to them in respect of their case, and during the Court proceedings.  

David is a calm presence in Court, but also a fierce advocate who will pursue every legal point for his client.  His written and oral advocacy skills are extremely persuasive due to his level of experience.  He will regularly argue against the Crown in respect of admissibility issues whether they may relate, for example bad character or hearsay evidence.  He will always consider and pursue applications, for example applications to dismiss charges, or in respect of any abuse of process.  

Meticulous Case Preparation  

In respect of every case David is thorough and comprehensively prepared prior to every hearing he attends.  He believes in solid case preparation and sound, coherent advocacy.  If an individual is convicted or pleads guilty David will work just as thoroughly to prepare for sentencing, ensuring all mitigation is advanced on the client’s behalf.  His approach to all cases means he is able to quickly build confidence and trust that he will do his utmost for his clients.   

David is regularly complimented on his skills and preparation by co-defending Counsel and Counsel to whom he is led or being led.  

David's Notable Cases

View David's cases

"Words cannot, and will never, express my gratitude for what you have done for me. Your dedication, care and attention made the world of difference."

Client acquitted of murder

"David Kitson, is quietly very, very good. The judge said he was brilliant and they never say that. He has caught the eye of judges. He is a fantastic advocate."

Third Party, 2023

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