Acquittal in Handling Stolen Goods Case

Phoebe Coleman

09 May 2023

Our client faced a single charge of handling stolen goods which related to a Chanel handbag. She was accused of receiving this bag and placing it on eBay for sale, before potentially disposing of it.

Our client’s case was that she accepted receiving the bag, but denied any knowledge or suspicion that it was stolen.

Our client was of good character and her trial had been significantly delayed due to the covid-19 pandemic. During the period of delay, we made two sets of written representations which set out records of our client’s business buying and selling second-hand bags. We argued that in the circumstances, there was no reason for her to be suspicious when she received an enquiry regarding the bag in question. We argued that the delay in this matter was unacceptable and the prosecution was not proportionate in the circumstances. The Crown did not accept our representations and our client’s trial took place over 3 years after her arrest.

After a 3-day trial before Southwark Crown Court, the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. Our client was extremely relieved to see the proceedings conclude in her favour.

Phoebe Coleman was the solicitor with conduct of this case. She instructed Rosalia Myttas-Perris of Crucible Chambers.

Thank you

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