Offer of No Evidence in Membership of Proscribed Organisation Case

Alex Whitmore

02 April 2019

Sonn Macmillan Walker acted in a case at the Central Criminal Court, also known as the Old Bailey, involving a number of people accused of membership of a proscribed organisation. 

Following a trial in summer 2018 two defendants were convicted of membership of National Action, a banned organisation. The jury failed to reach a verdict on four others including our client. At a retrial in early 2019 a second jury were also unable to reach a verdict against our client. As a result the prosecution offered no evidence against him.

Co-defendants who were convicted of the same offence were sentenced to 8 and 6 years’ imprisonment. A further defendant awaits sentence. Tim Walker was the solicitor for our client with Adam Davis QC and Tim Forte acting as his barristers.

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