Suspended sentence for PWITS Class B, dangerous driving and driving without insurance

Phoebe Coleman

13 July 2023

Our client was chased by police on scooter and was alleged to have driven dangerously and without insurance. When the scooter crashed, he was detained and a search was conducted. He was found to be in possession of large quantities of cannabis. He was, at that time, still subject to a community order for a previous offence of possession with intent to supply class B drugs.

Our client pleaded guilty to all offences and was refused bail at the magistrates’ Court.

Basis of Plea Submitted 

We served a basis of plea explaining our client’s position. Having been arrested with cannabis last year, those drugs had been seized and destroyed and some cash had been confiscated. This left him indebted to the person for whom he was dealing. The basis explained that this person had become impatient and knew our client’s address, and that the defendant began to dealing in order to pay off the debt shortly before his arrest. The basis of plea was accepted and he was sentenced on the basis of having a lesser role.

A report was completed assessing the defendant’s compliance with his community order. This helped demonstrate his efforts to obtain qualifications and earn money legitimately. We also obtained a character reference from his brother that set out in detail the circumstances in which our client was raised.

The Outcome

Despite having committed multiple offences during the operational period of his community order, the Judge was able to appreciate our client’s situation and his potential. He was sentenced to 19 weeks imprisonment suspended for 2 years and his community order was revoked.

Himself and his family were extremely pleased that he was released form custody and able to return home. His brother wrote to us:

I wanted to take this time to thank you for all you efforts on my brother’s case. Constantly working to keep my family well informed and prepared, as well as taking the time with me to ensure we were listened to and heard. During our first conversation I was confident you know exactly what you were doing, which made myself and my family calm in spite of the unfortunate circumstances in which my brother found himself. The most important thing for me was that it felt as though you cared personally about the situation and we spoke informally which allowed me to trust you which is important especially for sensitive cases. I have no doubt you’ll continue to help people and families who find themselves in difficult situations also thank you again for all your help from myself and my family.

Phoebe Coleman was the solicitor with conduct of this case. She instructed Crucible Law.

Thank you

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